Saturday, October 01, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
the "Jenny" purse
This small purse is a custom order for a client named Jenny. She specified the size, handles, inside pockets and picked out the fabric. I think it turned out well- it's a cute size that can hold the essentials. Maybe I'll make some more in other colors...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sewing Studio WIP
So- I am still trying to figure out how to arrange the new studio. What looks good on paper doesn't necessarily work out when you move the pieces in the real world- UGH!!! Oh well- it is a WIP-work in progress. Feel free to give me advice....and if you want to come over and take some of the things I can't fit anymore- let me know!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Baby Quilt 011

Baby Quilt 011
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
Custom ordered baby quilt. I am quite happy with this! The center fabrics were all from my stash. The border fabric is from Joannes and it ties it all together nicely- I think it's happy!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Cher's party bag 003

Cher's party bag 003
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
Custom order. Customer has a yellow dress that matches the yellow in the fabric- going to her sons' rehearsal dinner on a boat. This was fun to do! Inspired by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gardenhouse/5687795038/in/photostream/
Friday, June 24, 2011
Eyeglass-Pen cases

Eyeglass-Pen cases
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
Fun and easy eyeglass case pattern at:
I've done mine with scraps of vintage tablecloth pieces.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Bride's "Necessity" Bag
This is a custom order for a bride- to keep 'necessities" in during her big day. It matches the colors of the bridesmaids dresses. Lots of pockets for different items.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
New bag
This is my newest bag- vintage tablecloth piece and several coordinating newer fabrics. The double button is vintage. I decided to really mix up the fabrics on this one-with the back being completely different- you don't see the back much so I didn't want to waste my precious vintage tablecloth pieces on that- show them off on the front! I think it's fun- happy, bright colors.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sweatshirt Pillow

Sweatshirt Pillow
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
Custom job- made from sweatshirts from a trip to New York City
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Finished these 2 projects today. The pillow is made from a beautiful wool coat that belonged to a friend's Aunt. I had to put the labels and one of the buttons on it - how cool! The wool is sooo soft!
The bag is for another friend- I've had the fabric for years- she probably doesn't even remember I have it...I can be SO slow! I had fun with the adjustable strap.
Now- what to make next????? hmmmmmm
Spring Break
Lucky for me, my daughter, Kelsey, spent some time with me at the Gallery working on her art project. We had a lot of fun and both got work done, too! Those of you in WI , or who have heard of our political situation, may recognize what she is trying to portray in this painting....the finished product may be for sale soon!
She's back at school now and it's very quiet here without her!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Lynn's pillow

Lynn's pillow
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
Finished this yesterday- have one more to finish today. She purchased the ties a t a thrift store, the denim is from her old jeans.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What I'm working on today

What I'm working on today
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
Have 2 of these to do for a friend....log cabin block made from old ties. The block will be the center of a pillow- the rest is from recycled jeans.
December 2023
The winter quilt goes up in the entry- snowmen can stay up all winter- not just during the Xmas season Memory pillow and small purse made wi...
Vintage Tablecloth Purse Originally uploaded by redthimble . The latest purse- had just enough scrap left from this tablecloth to make a ni...
The winter quilt goes up in the entry- snowmen can stay up all winter- not just during the Xmas season Memory pillow and small purse made wi...
4 months just flew by! Let's catch up... August 2023 The Pacific Northwest Albacore Tuna quilt- made for friends of my daughter who were...