Wednesday, January 16, 2019

So- my latest project is a life-size Sturgeon wall hanging. I am entering it into the Fishing in Fondy Art event which is held at the Langdon Divers Gallery at the Fond du Lac public library. I have no idea why I wanted to do this- it just came to me!!! I usually find sturgeon to be rather ugly but since I started this I have learned that there are many varieties of these fish all over the world and they are all unique and beautiful! I have a new appreciation for all types of fish. Check out #sturgeonfighters on Instagram- so many sturgeons!!!
Here are a few pictures of my progress on this piece.

Stay tuned for the final results. I have had much fun making this- it's rather freeing when you are just "winging it", no pattern, no design just whatever comes to me at the moment!

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December 2023

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