Friday, November 14, 2014

2 new Holiday projects made for the store- Bungalow Quilting & Yarn in Ripon WI. Patterns and fabric available at the store! Here's their link:

Sunday, November 09, 2014

I am so excited!!! This is my new business card, designed by my wonderfully, creative, illustrator daughter, Amelia Bates. I LOVE it....can't wait to get them! Now I need to get busy and make more products with those tablecloths that are stuck in a closet- they need a new life!
I just noticed I need to change the banner of my blog, too....jeez, this technology is killing me- good thing Amelia can help!

December 2023

The winter quilt goes up in the entry- snowmen can stay up all winter- not just during the Xmas season Memory pillow and small purse made wi...