Holiday Drink
Originally uploaded by redthimble.
here's the recipe...enjoy!
Here's our table all ready for us to devour the yummy dinner! Why is it over so fast? I think next year we do courses...to stretch it out and enjoy it longer!
The last minute project- about 2 hours before dinner! ha ha!
Just finished this up for me! It's about time I made a bag for me and tooted my own horn! Next a wallet and checkbook cover! I love this red fabric and would buy a whole bolt if I could find it again!
OMG!!! I ordered this from Elizabeth Holcombe- Words & Whimsies and Dime Store Chic. I sent her the squirrel and she created this absolutely adorable pincushion for me. It is a work of art!!!
My latest project for a dear friend. This was the last piece of this tablecloth-very lovely...sad to see it go!!!! I just love making these- they take on a life of their own! I meant to have the handles with the design on the inside but ooops and they look good this way! There are no mistakes!
My Favorite Quilters group is having a 4-patch swap and these are the ones I am mailing out tomorrow morning. I love doing these swaps and I start out all excited and on the ball but kind of "peter-out" about half-way thru! The thrill of starting something new! So, if you swap with me, you'll get something a bit late, but worth it.
This quilt for our bed has been waiting for it's binding for a couple of years! It is one of my New Year's resolutions...after this is finished,it's off the the BIG washing machine to soften it up a bit.
Next I will have to make some window treatments to coordinate. I do have some pillow shams started that also need finishing, too!
The winter quilt goes up in the entry- snowmen can stay up all winter- not just during the Xmas season Memory pillow and small purse made wi...